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Anti Ragging

Ragging is a criminal offence as per the Supreme Court verdict.

View AICTE Notification 2009


"Causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his/her person or exposes him/her to ridicule from doing any lawful act. By intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring him or by using criminal force on him/her or by holding out to him/her any threat of intimidation, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force."

"Ragging in all its forms is totally banned in this institution including in its departments, constituent units, all its premises (academic, residential, sports, kiosks, cafeteria and the like) whether located within the campus or outside and in all means of transportation of students whether public or private. The institution shall take strict action including but not limited to criminal proceeding and/or cancellation of admission against those found guilty of ragging and/or of abetting ragging and the burden of proof shall hereby lie on the perpetrator of alleged ragging and not on the victim. An offence of Ragging may be charged either on a written complaint by the affected or on independent finding of the Anti Ragging Squad.


Anti Ragging Committee Members

S.No. Name Position Contact No. E-Mail
1. Dr. Kshitij Aggarwal Chairperson 9818096807 - [email protected]
2. Mrs. Leeju Jain Member 8851529675 - [email protected]
3. Mr. Harendra Singh Member 9997686927 - [email protected]
4. Miss. Rabiya Praveen Member 8477866307 - [email protected]

Toll Free Number to report ragging- 1800-2700-227

Discipline Proctorial Board


1.. Mr. Alok Behera - 9690449954
2. Mr. Vimal Kumar Bharti - 9761287542
3. Ms. Aparna Agarwal - 8869850791




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